Thursday, April 25, 2013


Hi! Today I want to share with you an image that I like much. I took this photograph three years ago, a day that I went to walk for the neighborhood Yungay, in this place have many walls with graffiti or artistic drawing, have some very crazy, strange  and beautiful, for this I decided to take photographs of it. One of the photograph than more I liked, is of a wall that is located in the street CompaƱia, in this mural have a pair of ballet dancer with a message that I considered very beautiful, this message say “ Someone do of the sun a simply yellow stain and other do of  a simply yellow stain their own sun”.
I like the murals because I think that these give a more positive face to the streets, the murals are a type of decoration of the streets, is comfortable to see a draw, a graffiti or a creative message while you walk or you go in car, sometimes this can make happy your day J the message of my photograph I like because I understand with it that I should learn to love the little thing of my life.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Hello everyone, today I’d like tell about one of my ambitions for the future.  I commented in my previous post than I love cooking and I prefer cooking me own food or to eat in my house, for this I’d like have a vegetable patch, because I wouldn’t have that to buy something in the supermarket, I will save money, and of the more important reason is that I would have vegetables free of pesticide or other toxic elements. Sometimes, I think in to make a big ecologic farm, but I think that it mean very much work, and I’d like to make also many and verities activities.
The persons who inspired me this idea was my uncle that live in the south, she have a big vegetable patch, and the food that she cooking  have a special taste J, and this is for the natural vegetables. If I would fulfill my ambitions I think that I will change my life style, it will be more healthy and relax because I’d  am more near of the nature and probably when I fulfill my dream I will live in a place fair of the city. I hope...

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Hi! This day I will tell about my favourite web sites.  I like to cook, but I don’t know much about cooking,  I don’t know what time or how I must cook  some food, for  this I look for recipes in internet, principally recipes of cookies or desserts, I love sweet food and my family too. One day I found a website with many recipes of cookies and other sweet dough the site is   . I like this site because there are many and easy recipes. I visit it when I want to give some delicious food to my family or in special moments.
Other of my favourite activities is knit. One day when I found a crochet hook in my house and I wished to knit me a shirt, then I look for videos in YouTube about crochet, I found with a video of a old mistress than teach very good and then visit her website, this is I like this site because the explanations are easy of understand. Now I visit this website sometimes when I need remember how knit some point.  

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Hi! My name is Karla, I am 20 years old, I am student of psychology in Universidad de Chile, I live in Santiago but my dream is relocate to a city in the coast, because I love the sea and the fresh air of the beach. I don't have 
 My favorite activities are ride to bicycle especially in autumn, I like to feel the cold air in the face. I like draw the flowers and create crazy histories in my mind about of people that I see in the street, and I love the strange conversations.