Thursday, July 18, 2013

My blogging experience

Hello! Today I write about my blogging experience. I didn´t have a blog before of this experience, and at first was a few difficult to start to writing because I didn´t have the custom of  to write in english for this I consider this experience very positive because it help me to practice my grammar and to link ideas.
During the period without classes the blog was a useful tool for to practice from of the home, for to keep the custom of to write and to read in english.
I liked create a blog, I don´t be sufficiently constant as for to keep a blog, but I liked the idea of to have a space for to share with others my interests and for to know the interests of my classmates. I liked the post of music and photograph, it was funny.
I think that the blog as a learning tool is very positive and useful tool, because is a dynamic activity, as well as it isn´t a monotonous activity and allow knowing a few more of other people.

The only thing that I didn´t like is that we couldn´t to write about free topic, but this can be a motivation for to start or for to continue writing in a blog.

My best friend

Hello today I will write about someone very special, my best friend.
My best friend is a crazy boy named Matias, I considered him as a brother.  I knew him when I was in the lyceum, 6 years ago approximately, he was friend; with the time, my relation with this friend in common is over, but with Matias the relation was strengthened.
We not have many things in common, but one thing that we both like are the cats *-*, he love the music and I understand not much of this, but thanks to he I have known different styles of music.
I like that we can to speak about any topic, I have much confidence in he, I can to tell he things that I can´t to tell to other. His mind is an universe unknown and incomprehensible, he is crazy, and ours conversations are very very interesting and I love it, this conversation were a routine every night, and I miss it. L
A month ago that I have not talked with my best friend, we had a problem and we had to distance ourselves, I miss him.

We have lived many changes together, our relation has changed much in these years, but I hope that we can approach again and that we have the same relationship of before.

Friday, July 12, 2013


Hi! Today I will write about something that I would like learn.
For general, I like learn a lot things but I started and then I stopped very soon. Two year ago I started to classes of salsa y bachata, at first I was very consistent in my attendance, and I amused too, but after a few months I left to go so often, until finally I was losing interest, I didn´t go more and never pass basic level.
I would like to learn circus techniques, like trapeze or fabric, but my problem is that it want much consistent, requires time and a lot of physical exercise, besides my physical condition is not good, I would have to train hard  and I haven´t enough time.
I would like to improve my drawings and learn new techniques of painting like oil painting or aquarelle; also I would like to learn to work in cold ceramics and to make origami figures in a more advanced level, these things are simply and I think that only I need more initiative for to start.

The big problem for to learn new things is the time... I think that if I organize my time well, I could dedicate myself to gradually learn the things I want, but I lack the drive or enough interest to start learning new things at this moment. 

Friday, June 28, 2013

A place to eat

Hi! Long time without to write here, today I tell you about a place for eat out.The last year with my father we proposed to find the best place for to eat chorrillana, this is a dish that includes meat, fried potatoes, onion and eggs. I don´t like much the meat however I decided to accompany to my dad in his search. We went to many places in Santiago, one very good in Bellavista but I not remember its name.Until one day I heard in the TV about a place in Valparaíso where the best chorrillana was, I told to my father and we traveled to Valparaíso to know it. Is a restaurant named J Cruz, is localized in Condell #1466 house 11, this direction is in a kind of alley. The J Cruz is a historic place, a kind of museum, the ambient is great, in the walls and tables have message of the people that visit the restaurant, always it is crowded principally for tourist Chilean and foreing, here the principal dish is the chorrillana and is really the best.  I like this restaurant because the food is delicious, but principally for the ambient, the bohemian side of Valparaíso is reflected in this place. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

I’m studying psychology this year, this is my second year in the career and I love it. When I finished school, I decided to study chemical engineering, I loved chemical and math, for this I wanted to study this career but I stayed there only for a semester because I didn’t like the career  and I couldn’t imagine me working like engineering in the future. Then, I worked for a short time, and in this time I thought that thing I would make really with my future, I was interested in to understand why the people behave of strange way or why they make it or the other, for this I decided to study psychology. I didn’t know much about psychology and I didn’t think a long time my decision but I knew that this career was for me.
The psychologist help to people to understand them, between other things, and this is the object that I have, use the psychology like a way of help to other, I would like discover new tools for understand to behavior and mental process. I wouldn’t like that the psychology will be or that people will see it like a domination tool, for this I like to work for humanize the scientific aspects of the psychology. For this is logic that one of my favorite subjects is theory and psychological systems.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

my favorite song

Hi! J  Today I would like tell you about my favorite song. For me is very complicated to choose one favorite song because the music that I listen to depends a lot of my mood and I am very unstable… Today I feel nostalgic and a few sad, in days like today I like, principally, listen to one of my favorite bands: The Cranberries, maybe for this the song that I considered one of my favorites now is “Ode to my family”. I don’t remember exactly the year when I listen to this song for first time, but I know that this was when I go in the car with my father, several years ago, this song was playing on the radio, but I didn’t heard its name and only could remember the melody… (dup du dup duu) I loved the melody and the voice of the singer, her voice is very special and emotional *-* I needed listen to that song again, but passed a long time before of that I listened to it again, this time I could remember a part of lyrics of the song, with this I searched for it in the web and since then it is one of my favorite songs. I hope that it like you too.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Hi! Today I want to share with you an image that I like much. I took this photograph three years ago, a day that I went to walk for the neighborhood Yungay, in this place have many walls with graffiti or artistic drawing, have some very crazy, strange  and beautiful, for this I decided to take photographs of it. One of the photograph than more I liked, is of a wall that is located in the street Compañia, in this mural have a pair of ballet dancer with a message that I considered very beautiful, this message say “ Someone do of the sun a simply yellow stain and other do of  a simply yellow stain their own sun”.
I like the murals because I think that these give a more positive face to the streets, the murals are a type of decoration of the streets, is comfortable to see a draw, a graffiti or a creative message while you walk or you go in car, sometimes this can make happy your day J the message of my photograph I like because I understand with it that I should learn to love the little thing of my life.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Hello everyone, today I’d like tell about one of my ambitions for the future.  I commented in my previous post than I love cooking and I prefer cooking me own food or to eat in my house, for this I’d like have a vegetable patch, because I wouldn’t have that to buy something in the supermarket, I will save money, and of the more important reason is that I would have vegetables free of pesticide or other toxic elements. Sometimes, I think in to make a big ecologic farm, but I think that it mean very much work, and I’d like to make also many and verities activities.
The persons who inspired me this idea was my uncle that live in the south, she have a big vegetable patch, and the food that she cooking  have a special taste J, and this is for the natural vegetables. If I would fulfill my ambitions I think that I will change my life style, it will be more healthy and relax because I’d  am more near of the nature and probably when I fulfill my dream I will live in a place fair of the city. I hope...

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Hi! This day I will tell about my favourite web sites.  I like to cook, but I don’t know much about cooking,  I don’t know what time or how I must cook  some food, for  this I look for recipes in internet, principally recipes of cookies or desserts, I love sweet food and my family too. One day I found a website with many recipes of cookies and other sweet dough the site is   . I like this site because there are many and easy recipes. I visit it when I want to give some delicious food to my family or in special moments.
Other of my favourite activities is knit. One day when I found a crochet hook in my house and I wished to knit me a shirt, then I look for videos in YouTube about crochet, I found with a video of a old mistress than teach very good and then visit her website, this is I like this site because the explanations are easy of understand. Now I visit this website sometimes when I need remember how knit some point.  

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Hi! My name is Karla, I am 20 years old, I am student of psychology in Universidad de Chile, I live in Santiago but my dream is relocate to a city in the coast, because I love the sea and the fresh air of the beach. I don't have 
 My favorite activities are ride to bicycle especially in autumn, I like to feel the cold air in the face. I like draw the flowers and create crazy histories in my mind about of people that I see in the street, and I love the strange conversations.