Hi! Today I
will write about something that I would like learn.
general, I like learn a lot things but I started and then I stopped very soon.
Two year ago I started to classes of salsa y bachata, at first I was very consistent
in my attendance, and I amused too, but after a few months I left to go so
often, until finally I was losing interest, I didn´t go more and never pass
basic level.
I would
like to learn circus techniques, like trapeze or fabric, but my problem is that
it want much consistent, requires time and a lot of physical exercise, besides
my physical condition is not good, I would have to train hard and I haven´t enough time.
I would
like to improve my drawings and learn new techniques of painting like oil
painting or aquarelle; also I would like to learn to work in cold ceramics and to
make origami figures in a more advanced level, these things are simply and I
think that only I need more initiative for to start.
The big
problem for to learn new things is the time... I think that if I organize my
time well, I could dedicate myself to gradually learn the things I want, but I
lack the drive or enough interest to start learning new things at this moment.
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