Thursday, July 18, 2013

My blogging experience

Hello! Today I write about my blogging experience. I didn´t have a blog before of this experience, and at first was a few difficult to start to writing because I didn´t have the custom of  to write in english for this I consider this experience very positive because it help me to practice my grammar and to link ideas.
During the period without classes the blog was a useful tool for to practice from of the home, for to keep the custom of to write and to read in english.
I liked create a blog, I don´t be sufficiently constant as for to keep a blog, but I liked the idea of to have a space for to share with others my interests and for to know the interests of my classmates. I liked the post of music and photograph, it was funny.
I think that the blog as a learning tool is very positive and useful tool, because is a dynamic activity, as well as it isn´t a monotonous activity and allow knowing a few more of other people.

The only thing that I didn´t like is that we couldn´t to write about free topic, but this can be a motivation for to start or for to continue writing in a blog.

My best friend

Hello today I will write about someone very special, my best friend.
My best friend is a crazy boy named Matias, I considered him as a brother.  I knew him when I was in the lyceum, 6 years ago approximately, he was friend; with the time, my relation with this friend in common is over, but with Matias the relation was strengthened.
We not have many things in common, but one thing that we both like are the cats *-*, he love the music and I understand not much of this, but thanks to he I have known different styles of music.
I like that we can to speak about any topic, I have much confidence in he, I can to tell he things that I can´t to tell to other. His mind is an universe unknown and incomprehensible, he is crazy, and ours conversations are very very interesting and I love it, this conversation were a routine every night, and I miss it. L
A month ago that I have not talked with my best friend, we had a problem and we had to distance ourselves, I miss him.

We have lived many changes together, our relation has changed much in these years, but I hope that we can approach again and that we have the same relationship of before.

Friday, July 12, 2013


Hi! Today I will write about something that I would like learn.
For general, I like learn a lot things but I started and then I stopped very soon. Two year ago I started to classes of salsa y bachata, at first I was very consistent in my attendance, and I amused too, but after a few months I left to go so often, until finally I was losing interest, I didn´t go more and never pass basic level.
I would like to learn circus techniques, like trapeze or fabric, but my problem is that it want much consistent, requires time and a lot of physical exercise, besides my physical condition is not good, I would have to train hard  and I haven´t enough time.
I would like to improve my drawings and learn new techniques of painting like oil painting or aquarelle; also I would like to learn to work in cold ceramics and to make origami figures in a more advanced level, these things are simply and I think that only I need more initiative for to start.

The big problem for to learn new things is the time... I think that if I organize my time well, I could dedicate myself to gradually learn the things I want, but I lack the drive or enough interest to start learning new things at this moment.